Attending our annual Christmas lunch means the world to these elderly people


Many elders on a state pension can’t afford to eat out and rarely get out much. That’s why the
Tafta Christmas Lunches mean so much. They’re such jolly, festive occasions, with the best food, company, music and dancing.

For our elders, knowing that someone incredibly kind and caring has paid for their meal means more than you can imagine. And you can be sure that they are truly grateful to be given this special treat. Bless you for making Christmas so special for the elderly.

When you think that 1 442 elders attended our Christmas lunches last year, you realise just how remarkable this outpouring of love from our generous community really is.

Together, friends like you rallied around to sponsor every meal we served . . . just because you wanted the spirit of the season to touch those who often feel lonely and left out. Thank you!

And now, as the festive season draws near again, we hope you’ll want to support us again this year, with another generous donation.

Just R140 is all it takes to sponsor one delicious three-course festive meal – and we are hoping you might be willing to sponsor a couple for R280. Or a table of four for R560, or even a table of 10 for R1 400.

Donate now

Your sponsorship pays for all this: a choice of meat or vegetarian kebab starter . . . followed by traditional roast lamb and chicken with roast potatoes and veg … and decadent chocolate mousse with strawberries for dessert.

But it’s not just about the food. Your kindness means our elders can join in the Christmas festivities . . . dress up in their best clothes . . . and experience fun, companionship and laughter around the table.

So please, will you make your donation now to let us know that our elders can count on you again this year? Any amount you can give makes a difference.

Please look out for photos from the lunches on our social media pages, so you can see and
share in the joy you’ve given. I’m sure it will add to your own enjoyment of the festive season.

Thank you again for your kindness to our elderly.